برای مشاهده توضیحات و دانلود مجموعه به ادامه مطلب بروید.
- نویسنده کتاب:
J.K. Rowling
- ژانر: Fantasy
- کتاب کامل است.
- جلدهای اصلی مجموعه: 7 جلد اصلی
- جلدهای فرعی مجموعه: ندارد
- لینک گودریدز مجموعه:

خوب فکر نمیکنم احتیاج به توضیح باشه همه باهاش آشنا هستند فقط من جوایز هر کتاب رو بهش اشاره می کنم. فرمت کتاب ها epub هستش.
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

literary awards
Mythopoeic Fantasy Award for Children's Literature (2008), British Book Award for Children's Book of the Year (1998), Smarties Prize (1997), Prijs van de Nederlandse Kinderjury for 6-9 jaar en 10-12 jaar (2002), American Booksellers Book Of The Year Award for Children (1999)
West Australian Young Readers' Book Award (WAYRBA) for Younger Readers (2000), Rebecca Caudill Young Reader's Book Award (2001), South Carolina Book Award for Junior Book Award (2001), Grand Canyon Reader Award for Teen Book (2000), Charlotte Award (2000), Nene Award (2000), Massachusetts Children's Book Award (2000), Colorado Blue Spruce Young Adult Book Award (2001), Blue Hen Book Award for Chapter Book (2001), Nevada Young Readers' Award for Young Reader Category (2000), Golden Archer Award for Middle/Junior High (2000), Indian Paintbrush Book Award (2000), Hotze de Roosprijs (2002), New York Public Library Best Book of the Year (1998), Kinderboekwinkelprijs (1999), Publishers Weekly Best Book of (1998), National Book Award (UK) (1997), Parenting Book of the Year Award (1998), Washington State Sasquatch Award (2000), Literaturpreis der Jury der jungen Leser for Kinderbuch (1999), Carnegie Medal Nominee (1997)
linkHarry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

literary awards
linkHarry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

linkHarry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

linkHarry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

literary awards
linkHarry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

literary awards
linkHarry Potter and the Deathly Hallows